Find Me & My records

SuPer Sisters

Before Susanne & Pernille were famous around the world as Me & My, they were already very young doing something with music and singing. In 1989/1990, they formed a singing duo called "SuPer Sisters". Notice that the 'P' is a capital, because the name is derived from their first names: SU(sanne) PER(nille). Good name choice from their parents I'd say :-).
They released two albums of danish songs, the first album being "SuPer Sisters" from 1989, and the second "Mariehoenen" in 1990. (Mariehoenen means ladybug :)).
They were even in the running for going to the Eurovision Song Contest in 1991, but they were kinda "disqualified" because the rules stated that no children could participate. They were too young.
Beware that the genre of these songs are somewhat different from Me & My, they are children pop songs. They were 13-15 years old, so that's normal :) They're all happy songs.

(Better scans of the first album will come...)

In my collection

  1. Fuld fart (Full Speed)
  2. Der hvor vi bor (There Where We Lived)
  3. Vores kondidag (Our Excercise Day)
  4. Feriefantasier (Holliday Fantasy)
  5. Sensommerdag (Late Summerday?)
  6. Dikke dikke dig (... You)
  7. Lidt rock (Little Rock)
  8. Du er mit liv (You Are My Life)
  9. Op på din ged (Up On Your Goat)
  10. En time for sent (A Time For ? (Sentiment?))
  11. Tak for i dag (Thank Your For The Day)
  1. Rökost (Vegetables & Fruit)
  2. Hjælp vi fik en lillesøster (Help We ... A Younger Sister)
  3. Sommernatten (Summernights)
  4. Sø' det endelig week-end (So, It's Finally Weekend)
  5. Vi har fri (We Have Free)
  6. Superstar
  7. Mariehønen (Ladybird)
  8. Kom og dans (Come And Dance)
  9. Sommeren er kommet til Danmark (Summer Has Come To Denmark)
  10. Det er vel naturligt (That's Just Natural)
  11. Slip glæden løs (Let Your Joy Loose)
P.S.: The english translations of the song titles, are the ones I made using my danish dictionary, but unfortunatly, not every word is in it.

(Picture found by Richard)